



效果图如下 90坦克 首先是主页面tanke.php [code lang="php"] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>方向ASDW 射击IOKL, 确定Enter -- BattleCity</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tanke.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="tanke.js"></script> </head> <body> </body> </html> [/code] 下面是css文件tanke.css [code lang="css"] body { background: #660; } .GameScreen { left: 50%; margin-left: -256px; top: 50%; margin-top: -224px; border: #630 double 4px; background: #000; } [/code] 下面是核心的javascript代码,及tanke.js [code lang="javascript"] var g = !0, h = null, k = !1, m, o, p, q, r, s, t; (function(a) { function b(a) { return function() { l && a.apply(this, arguments) } } function c(a) { return function() { return a } } var d = navigator.userAgent, e = /Firefox/.test(d), f = /MSIE 6/.test(d), d = /MSIE 7/.test(d) || 7 == a.documentMode; if (f) try { a.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", k, g) } catch(j) {} var l = g; m = function(a, d) { d || (d = a, a = h); var e = d.nc, f = d, y, u; if (a) for (u in l = k, f = new a, l = g, d) f[u] = d[u]; for (u in d) if ("function" == typeof d[u]) break; y = b(d[u]); f.constructor = y; y.prototype = f; y.toString = c("[class " + u + "]"); for (u in e) y[u] = e[u]; return y }; o = m({ X: h, k: h, ea: function() { this.X = a.createElement("div"); this.k = this.X.style; this.k.position = "absolute"; this.k.overflow = "hidden" }, e: 0, od: e ? function(a) { this.k.left = (this.e = a) + "px" }: function(a) { this.k.pixelLeft = this.e = a }, f: 0, Ga: e ? function(a) { this.k.top = (this.f = a) + "px" }: function(a) { this.k.pixelTop = this.f = a }, ia: 0, nd: e ? function(a) { this.k.width = (this.ia = a) + "px" }: function(a) { this.k.pixelWidth = this.ia = a }, da: 0, hd: e ? function(a) { this.k.height = (this.da = a) + "px" }: function(a) { this.k.pixelHeight = this.da = a }, Td: -1, J: function(a) { this.k.zIndex = a }, m: function(a, b) { this.nd(a); this.hd(b) }, b: function(a, b) { this.od(a); this.Ga(b) }, Za: function(a, b) { this.b(this.e + a, this.f + b) }, ua: g, Ab: f || d ? function(a) { if (this.ua != a) this.ua = a, this.k.marginTop = a ? "0": "-9999px" }: function(a) { if (this.ua != a) this.ua = a, this.k.display = a ? "block": "none" }, o: function() { this.Ab(g) }, g: function() { this.Ab(k) }, Da: function(a) { this.k.background = a }, fd: function(a) { this.X.className = a }, c: function(a) { return a instanceof o ? (this.X.appendChild(a.X), this) : Error("Argument must be a Layer type") }, Mc: function(a) { a.appendChild(this.X) } }); p = m(o, { Y: 0, Q: 0, Oa: 0, Na: 0, nb: h, Ka: h, za: 0, w: 0, ma: 0, Nb: h, Nd: function(a, b, c) { this.ea(); this.jd(a, b, c) }, jd: function(a, b, c) { var d = s.xb[a]; if (!d) throw Error("Image " + a + "not loaded"); var e = this.Oa = d.Lc, d = this.Na = d.Ic; this.Q = 1; this.nb = []; if (b != h) { if (e % b || d % c) throw Error("Image " + a + " (" + e + "*" + d + ") size must be an integral multiple of (" + b + "*" + c + ")"); this.Y = e / b; this.Q = this.Y * (d / c); for (e = 0; e < this.Q; ++e) this.nb[e] = e; this.Ka = this.nb; this.za = this.Q - 1; e = b; d = c } this.k.backgroundImage = "url(" + a + ")"; this.m(e, d) }, Ea: function(a) { var b; if (a) { if (b = a.length, 0 >= b) throw Error("Invalid frame sequence"); } else a = this.nb, b = this.Q; if (b < this.za + 1) this.w = 0, this.ma = a[0]; this.Ka = a; this.za = b - 1; this.mb() }, Ed: function() { return this.za + 1 }, Fd: function() { return this.Q }, B: function(a) { this.ma = this.Ka[a]; if (this.ma == h) throw Error("Invalid frame index"); this.w = a; this.mb() }, Dd: function() { return this.w }, $a: function() { this.w == this.za ? this.w = 0 : ++this.w; this.ma = this.Ka[this.w]; this.mb() }, Jd: function() { this.w ? --this.w: this.w = this.za; this.ma = this.Ka[this.w]; this.mb() }, Zb: function(a) { if (a.ua) { var b, d, c, e, f, v, l, j = this.Nb; j ? (b = this.e + j.e, d = this.f + j.f, c = j.ia, e = j.da) : (b = this.e, d = this.f, c = this.ia, e = this.da); (j = a.Nb) ? (f = a.e + j.e, v = a.f + j.f, l = j.ia, a = j.da) : (f = a.e, v = a.f, l = a.ia, a = a.da); return b - l < f && f < b + c && d - a < v && v < d + e } }, Ad: function(a) { this.Nb = a }, mb: function() { if (1 != this.Q) this.k.backgroundPosition = -(this.ma % this.Y) * this.ia + "px " + -(this.ma / this.Y >> 0) * this.da + "px" } }); q = m(o, { la: h, va: h, Ib: h, Kb: h, Cc: h, Bc: h, Od: function(b, d, c, e, f) { this.ea(); this.la = []; this.va = []; this.Ib = b; this.Kb = d; var u = a.createDocumentFragment(), v, j, l; for (j = 0; j < d; j++) { l = this.la[j] = []; for (v = 0; v < b; ++v) { var F = a.createElement("div"), C = F.style; C.position = "absolute"; C.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; u.appendChild(F); l[v] = { id: 0, Wb: 0, Jc: C } } } this.X.appendChild(u); this.ld(c, e, f) }, Uc: function(a) { if (0 > a || a > this.Q) throw Error("Invalid tile index"); var b = this.va, d = b.length; b[d] = { id: a, Vb: {} }; return~d }, ed: function(a, b) { var d = this.va[~a]; if (!d) throw Error("Invalid animated tile index"); if (d.id != b) { d.id = b; var c, e, f; for (c in d.Vb) if (0 < c) e = c % 1E5, f = c / 1E5 >> 0, this.la[f][e].Wb = b, this.rc(e, f) } }, Bd: function(a) { a = this.va[~a]; if (!a) throw Error("Invalid animated tile index"); return a.id }, Xc: function(a, b, d, c, e) { for (var c = b + c, f, d = a + d; b < c; ++b) for (f = a; f < d; ++f) this.ib(f, b, e) }, Cd: function(a, b) { return this.la[b][a].id }, ib: function(a, b, d) { var c = this.la[b][a], e = d; 0 > c.id && delete this.va[~c.id].Vb[1E5 * b + a]; if (0 > d) e = this.va[~d], e.Vb[1E5 * b + a] = g, e = e.id; c.id = d; c.Wb = e; this.rc(a, b) }, ld: function(a, b, d) { var c = s.xb[a]; if (!c) throw Error("Image " + a + "not loaded"); this.Oa = c.Lc; this.Na = c.Ic; if (1 > b || 1 > d) throw Error("Invalid argument"); if (this.Oa % b || this.Na % d) throw Error("Image: " + a + " (" + this.Oa + "*" + this.Na + ") size must be an integral multiple of (" + b + "*" + d + ")"); this.Y = this.Oa / b; this.Q = this.Y * (this.Na / d); this.m(this.Ib * b, this.Kb * d); for (var e, f, c = 0; c < this.Kb; ++c) { f = this.la[c]; for (e = 0; e < this.Ib; ++e) { var j = f[e].Jc; j.backgroundImage = "url(" + a + ")"; j.backgroundPosition = "0 -9999px"; j.left = e * b + "px"; j.top = c * d + "px"; j.width = b + "px"; j.height = d + "px" } } this.Cc = b; this.Bc = d }, rc: function(a, b) { var d = this.la[b][a], c = d.Wb - 1; d.Jc.backgroundPosition = -(c % this.Y) * this.Cc + "px " + -(c / this.Y >> 0) * this.Bc + "px" } }); r = m(o, { Gd: function(a) { this.ea(); this.k.font = "22px 'Arial Black'"; "string" == typeof a && this.n(a) }, u: function(a) { this.k.color = a }, n: function(a) { a = a.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/\n/g, "<br/>").replace(/ /g, " "); this.gd(a) }, gd: function(a) { this.X.innerHTML = a }, I: function(a) { this.k.textAlign = a }, Kd: function(a) { for (var b in a) this.k[b] = a[b] } }); m({ pb: h, Md: function() {}, Play: function(b) { this.oc(); var d = a.createElement("embed"); d.src = b; d.type = "application/x-mplayer2"; d.Xd = g; d.style.position = "absolute"; d.style.top = "-9999px"; this.pb = a.body.appendChild(d) }, oc: function() { if (this.pb) a.body.removeChild(this.pb), this.pb = h } }); s = function(a) { function b() { var d = a[this.Kc]; s.xb[d] = { Lc: this.width, Ic: this.height }; ++c; "function" == typeof e.wd && e.wd(d, c, a.length); c == a.length && "function" == typeof e.complete && e.complete() } function d() { "function" == typeof e.error && e.error(a[this.Kc], c, a.length) } var c = 0, e; this.kd = function(c) { if (!c) throw Error("Invalid interface"); e = c; for (var f, c = 0; c < a.length; ++c) f = new Image, f.onload = b, f.onerror = d, f.Kc = c, f.src = a[c] } }; s.xb = {}; t = function() { function b(a) { t.$c((a || event).keyCode) } function d(a) { t.ad((a || event).keyCode) } for (var c = [], e = [], f = [], j = 0; 128 > j; ++j) c[j] = 1, e[j] = -1E8, c[13] = c[16] = c[75] = c[76] = 1E8; a.addEventListener ? (a.addEventListener("keydown", b, k), a.addEventListener("keyup", d, k)) : (a.attachEvent("onkeydown", b), a.attachEvent("onkeyup", d)); return { $c: function(a) { f[a] = g }, ad: function(a) { f[a] = k; e[a] = -1E8 }, Ld: function(a, b) { c[a] = b }, s: function(a) { if (!f[a]) return k; var b = +new Date; if (b - e[a] < c[a]) return k; e[a] = b; return g } } } () })(document); function w(a) { var b, c, d = []; for (b = 1, c = arguments.length; b < c; ++b) d[b - 1] = a + arguments[b]; return d }; function A(a) { var b = a; this.l = function() { if (--b) return k; b = a; return g }; this.i = function(c) { b = c != h ? a = c: a } }; function D(a) { var b = 16; function c() { var c = +new Date; e += c - d; d = c; e >= b && (a.dd(), e %= b) } var d = +new Date, e = 0, f; this.Ha = function() { f = setInterval(c, 1) }; this.oc = function() { clearInterval(f); e = 0 } }; var E = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; var G = window.App = m({ nc: { fa: h, d: h, a: h, eb: h, r: h, zb: h, ic: h }, ob: h, Hc: 0, Mb: h, xd: function() { (new s("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Tank.png,http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Terr.png,http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Boom.png,http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Misc.png,http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/UI.png,http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Frag.png".split(","))).kd(this) }, complete: function() { G.fa = this; G.a = new H; this.sd([G.eb = new I, G.r = new J, G.zb = new K, G.ic = new L]); G.d = new M; this.H(G.eb) }, sd: function(a) { var b, c = new o; c.m(512, 448); c.fd("GameScreen"); c.Mc(document.body); for (b = 0; 4 > b; ++b) a[b].g(), a[b].m(512, 448), c.c(a[b]) }, dd: function() { var a = this.ob.cb(this.Hc); this.Hc = -999 != a ? a + 1 : 0 }, H: function(a) { this.ob && this.ob.bb(); a.ab(); this.ob = a; if (!this.Mb) this.Mb = new D(this), this.Mb.Ha(); return - 999 } }); var M = m({ v: h, ba: h, S: h, Gb: h, Db: h, zc: h, yc: h, Tb: h, Qb: h, K: h, Lb: h, ka: h, Ra: 0, wa: h, Eb: h, d: function() { this.Tb = new A(60); this.Qb = new A(2); this.ka = []; this.wa = []; this.Eb = []; this.S = []; for (i = 0; 26 > i; ++i) this.wa[i] = [], this.S[i] = []; this.K = new q(13, 13, "http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Terr.png", 32, 32); this.K.J(0); this.K.Uc(4); this.K.Da("#000"); this.K.b(34, 18); G.r.c(this.K); this.v = [new N]; for (i = 1; 5 > i; ++i) this.v[i] = new O; this.ba = new P; this.Lb = new Q(g); this.vd(R) }, Pc: function() { this.Lb.Ha(176, 368); this.M(6, 12, 3) }, t: function() { this.ba.t(); this.Lb.t(); this.Tb.l() && this.K.ed( - 1, this.Qb.l() ? 4 : 5) }, Wc: function() { var a = this.v[0]; a.kc(128, 384); a.ga(0); a.mc(250); a.Xb() }, Vc: function(a) { var b, c; for (b = 1; 5 > b && !(c = this.v[b], c.Ya()); ++b); b = (a % 3 + 1) % 3; this.M(6 * b, 0, 0); c.kc(192 * b, 0); c.ga(2); c.Fa(this.yc[a]); G.r.Wa[19 - a].g(); E[a] && (c.Yc(), this.ba.wb()); c.Xb() }, Rc: function() { var a = G.a.C - 1; this.zc = this.Gb[a]; this.yc = this.Db[a]; this.Ra = 0; for (var b, a = 0; 13 > a; a++) for (b = 0; 13 > b; b++) this.M(b, a, this.zc[a][b]); b = this.ka.length; for (a = this.Ra; a < b; ++a) this.ka[a].g(); this.M(6, 12, 2); this.M(4, 12, 0) }, Sc: function() { this.K.Xc(0, 0, 13, 13, 0); var a, b = this.ka.length; for (a = 0; a < b; ++a) this.ka[a].g() }, Tc: function() { this.ba.i(); for (var a = 0; 5 > a; ++a) this.v[a].i() }, cc: function(a, b) { var c = this.S, d = c[b][a]; return d == c[b][a + 1] && d == c[b + 1][a] && d == c[b + 1][a + 1] ? d: -1 }, M: function(a, b, c) { var d = 2 * a, e = 2 * b; this.Ia(d, e); this.Ia(d + 1, e); this.Ia(d, e + 1); this.Ia(d + 1, e + 1); 1 == c ? (c = this.ka[this.Ra], c || (c = this.ka[this.Ra] = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Terr.png", 32, 32), c.J(4), G.r.c(c)), c.b(34 + 32 * a, 18 + 32 * b), c.o(), this.Ra++, c = 0) : 2 == c ? this.ja(6, 12, 128, 15) : 3 == c ? this.ja(6, 12, 256, 15) : 4 == c ? (this.ja(a, b, 64, 15), c = -1) : 6 == c ? this.ja(a, b, 16, 15) : 7 <= c && 21 >= c ? this.ja(a, b, 32, c - 6) : 22 <= c && this.ja(a, b, 15, c - 21); 0 == c && this.ja(a, b, 0, 15); this.K.ib(a, b, c) }, md: function(a, b, c) { var d = this.S, e = a - a % 2, f = b - b % 2, j = e + 1, l = f + 1, n, B; d[b][a] = c; var x, z = 0; for (x = 0; 4 > x; ++x) n = x % 2 ? j: e, B = 2 > x ? f: l, d[B][n] ? z += 1 << x: this.Ia(n, B); this.K.ib(e / 2, f / 2, z ? z + 21 : 0); c && this.td(a, b, c) }, jb: function(a, b, c) { var d = this.S; d[b][a] = c; var a = a - a % 2, b = b - b % 2, c = a + 1, e = b + 1, f, j, l, n = 0; for (l = 0; 4 > l; ++l) f = l % 2 ? c: a, j = 2 > l ? b: e, d[j][f] && (n += 1 << l); this.K.ib(a / 2, b / 2, n ? n + 6 : 0) }, td: function(a, b, c) { var d = this.wa[b][a]; d || (d = this.Eb.pop()); d || (d = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Frag.png", 16, 16), d.J(1), G.r.c(d)); d.o(); d.b(34 + 16 * a, 18 + 16 * b); d.B(c - 1); this.wa[b][a] = d }, Ia: function(a, b) { var c = this.wa[b][a]; c && (c.g(), this.Eb.push(c), this.wa[b][a] = h) }, ja: function(a, b, c, d) { var e = this.S, a = 2 * a, f = a + 1, b = 2 * b, j = b + 1; e[b][a] = d & 1 ? c: 0; e[b][f] = d & 2 ? c: 0; e[j][a] = d & 4 ? c: 0; e[j][f] = d & 8 ? c: 0 }, vd: function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, j, l = 0; this.Gb = []; this.Db = []; for (d = 0; 35 > d; ++d) { b = []; c = []; for (e = 0; 13 > e; e++) { j = b[e] = []; for (f = 0; 13 > f; f++) j[f] = a.charCodeAt(l++) - 65 } for (e = 0; 20 > e; e++) c[e] = a.charCodeAt(l++) - 65; this.Gb[d] = b; this.Db[d] = c } } }); var H = m({ C: 1, ta: 2, O: 0, hb: 2E4, gb: 2E4, Xa: g, Ba: k, kb: k, yb: h, Ac: 0, aa: h, tb: h, qb: 0, Ma: 0, Hb: k, Va: 999, a: function() { this.aa = new A(30); this.tb = new A(200) }, cd: function() { G.d.Rc(); this.Ma = this.qb = 0; this.yb = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.kb = k; this.tb.i(); this.Ac = 150 - 3 * this.C; this.aa.i(30); G.r.sa.n(this.C + "") }, i: function() { this.Xa = g; this.Ba = k; this.C = 1; this.O = 0; this.gb = 2E4; this.ta = 2; this.Cb() }, ec: function(a) { - 1 != a && ++this.yb[a]; if (0 == --this.qb && 20 == this.Ma) this.kb = g }, Qc: function() { G.d.Pc(); this.Ba = g }, lc: function(a) { this.O += a; this.O > this.gb && (this.gb += 2E4, this.gc()) }, gc: function() {++this.ta; this.Cb() }, bd: function() {--this.ta; 0 > this.ta ? this.Ba = g: this.Cb() }, Cb: function() { G.r.Ca.n(this.ta + "") }, t: function() { var a = G.d.v, b = Math.random; G.d.t(); a[0].Ya() && 0 <= this.ta && G.d.Wc(); a[0].t(); 4 > this.qb && 20 != this.Ma && this.aa.l() && (G.d.Vc(this.Ma), ++this.qb, ++this.Ma, this.aa.i(this.Ac)); if (this.kb && this.tb.l()) return g; var c = G.d.ba.Zc(), d, e; for (d = 1; 5 > d; ++d) e = a[d], e.t(), !c && e.N() && (0.03 > b() && e.bc(), e.H() || 0.2 > b() && e.ga(4 * b() >> 0)) }, $b: function() { var a = G.d.v[0]; if (a.N()) { (t.s(73) || t.s(75)) && a.bc(); if (24 > this.Va) { if (!a.H() || !a.hc()) this.Va = 999; if (12 > ++this.Va) return } switch (g) { case t.s(87): a.ga(0); break; case t.s(68): a.ga(1); break; case t.s(83): a.ga(2); break; case t.s(65): a.ga(3); break; default: if (this.Hb) { if (a.hc()) this.Va = 0; this.Hb = k } return } this.Va = 999; this.Hb = g; a.H() } } }); var P = m({ F: h, h: 0, G: 0, pa: h, Dc: h, Gc: h, Pb: h, qa: h, Ua: 0, vb: 0, ba: function() { this.F = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Tank.png", 32, 32); this.F.g(); this.F.J(6); G.r.c(this.F); this.pa = new A(10); this.Dc = new A(2); this.Gc = new A(30); this.Pb = new A(2); this.qa = new A(20) }, t: function() { this.Ua--; this.vb--; 0 <= this.Ua && 330 > this.Ua && this.Gc.l() && this.uc(this.Pb.l()); switch (this.h) { case 1: this.pa.l() && this.F.Ab(this.Dc.l()); this.rd(); break; case 2: this.qa.l() && this.wb() } }, o: function() { var a = Math.random; this.G = 6 * a() >> 0; var b, c; do b = 24 * a() >> 0, c = 24 * a() >> 0; while (32 <= G.d.cc(b, c)); this.F.B(121 + this.G); this.F.b(34 + 16 * b, 18 + 16 * c); this.F.o(); this.h = 1 }, Zc: function() { return 0 < this.vb }, wb: function() { this.F.g(); this.h = 0 }, i: function() { this.wb(); this.qa.i(); this.Ua = this.vb = 0 }, rd: function() { var a; a = G.d.v[0]; if (a.N() && a.Yb(this.F)) { switch (this.G) { case 0: this.Ua = 1200; this.Pb.i(); this.uc(g); break; case 1: a.qd(); break; case 2: G.a.gc(); break; case 3: a.mc(1200); break; case 4: for (a = 1; 5 > a; ++a) G.d.v[a].N() && G.d.v[a].dc(g); break; case 5: this.vb = 1E3 } G.a.lc(500); this.F.o(); this.F.B(120); this.h = 2 } }, uc: function(a) { a = a ? 0 : 15; G.d.M(5, 11, 14 + a); G.d.M(6, 11, 18 + a); G.d.M(7, 11, 10 + a); G.d.M(5, 12, 16 + a); G.d.M(7, 12, 11 + a) } }); var Q = m({ xc: k, rb: k, L: h, Rb: h, yd: function(a) { this.L = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Boom.png", 64, 64); this.L.g(); this.L.J(7); this.L.Ea(a ? [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1] : [0, 1]); G.r.c(this.L); this.xc = a; this.Rb = new A(4) }, t: function() { if (this.rb && (!this.xc || this.Rb.l())) if (this.L.$a(), 0 == this.L.w) return this.L.g(), this.rb = k, g }, Ha: function(a, b) { this.L.b(34 + a, 18 + b); this.L.o(); this.rb = g }, i: function() { this.L.g(); this.Rb.i(); this.rb = k } }); var S = m({ h: 0, Ec: 0, A: h, P: h, e: 0, f: 0, q: 0, ha: 0, fb: 0, zd: function(a) { this.A = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Misc.png", 8, 8); this.A.g(); this.A.J(2); G.r.c(this.A); this.Ec = a; this.P = new Q(k) }, t: function() { switch (this.h) { case 1: for (var a = 0; a < this.ha; ++a) { switch (this.ud()) { case 1: this.P.Ha(this.e - 28, this.f - 28); this.h = 2; return; case 2: this.h = 3; return } switch (this.q) { case 0: this.f -= 2; break; case 1: this.e += 2; break; case 2: this.f += 2; break; case 3: this.e -= 2 } this.A.b(34 + this.e, 18 + this.f) } break; case 2: if (this.P.t()) this.h = 3; break; case 3: this.A.g(), this.h = 0 } }, Ya: function() { return 0 == this.h }, pd: function(a, b, c) { switch (c) { case 0: a += 12; b -= 8; break; case 1: a += 32; b += 12; break; case 2: a += 12; b += 32; break; case 3: a -= 8, b += 12 } this.A.b(34 + a, 18 + b); this.A.B(c); this.A.o(); this.e = a; this.f = b; this.q = c; this.h = 1 }, i: function() { this.A.g(); this.P.i(); this.h = 0 }, ud: function() { var a = 0, b, c, d, e, f, j = G.d.S, l = this.e, n = this.f; switch (this.q) { case 0: n += 8; if (0 >= n) return 1; if (n % 16) break; d = n / 16 - 1; b = l >> 4; c = b + 1; e = j[d][b]; f = j[d][c]; e & 15 && (a = this.V(e, f, b, d, 8, 4, 2, 1)); f & 15 && (a |= this.V(f, e, c, d, 4, 8, 1, 2)); break; case 1: if (416 <= l) return 1; if (l % 16) break; d = l / 16; b = n >> 4; c = b + 1; e = j[b][d]; f = j[c][d]; e & 15 && (a = this.V(e, f, d, b, 4, 1, 8, 2)); f & 15 && (a |= this.V(f, e, d, c, 1, 4, 2, 8)); break; case 2: if (416 <= n) return 1; if (n % 16) break; d = n / 16; b = l >> 4; c = b + 1; e = j[d][b]; f = j[d][c]; e & 15 && (a = this.V(e, f, b, d, 2, 1, 8, 4)); f & 15 && (a |= this.V(f, e, c, d, 1, 2, 4, 8)); break; case 3: l += 8; if (0 >= l) return 1; if (l % 16) break; d = l / 16 - 1; b = n >> 4; c = b + 1; e = j[b][d]; f = j[c][d]; e & 15 && (a = this.V(e, f, d, b, 8, 2, 4, 1)); f & 15 && (a |= this.V(f, e, d, c, 2, 8, 1, 4)) } 32 == e && (a = 1, this.fb && (1 == this.q || 3 == this.q ? G.d.jb(d, b, 0) : G.d.jb(b, d, 0))); 32 == f && (a = 1, this.fb && (1 == this.q || 3 == this.q ? G.d.jb(d, c, 0) : G.d.jb(c, d, 0))); if (128 == e || 128 == f) G.a.Qc(), a = 1; b = G.d.v; for (e = 0; 5 > e; ++e) if (c = b[e], c.Bb != this.Ec && c.N()) { if (c.Yb(this.A)) return 2 == c.dc() ? 2 : 1; for (f = 0; f < c.Aa; f++) if (d = c.ca[f], 1 == d.h && d.A.Zb(this.A)) return d.h = 3, 2 } return a }, V: function(a, b, c, d, e, f, j, l) { var n = 0; a & e && (a &= ~e, a & f && (a &= ~f), n = 1); if (a & j && (this.fb || 0 == n && 32 != b)) { if (a = a & ~j & l) a &= ~l; n = 1 } n && G.d.md(c, d, a); return n } }); var T = m({ nc: { Nc: w(112, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0), Oc: w(11, 0, 0, 1, 1) }, h: 0, D: 0, Ub: 0, G: 0, aa: h, j: h, P: h, ub: 0, La: 16, sb: h, e: 0, f: 0, ha: 0, q: -1, Bb: 0, ca: h, Aa: 0, pc: function(a) { this.j = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Tank.png", 32, 32); this.j.g(); G.r.c(this.j); this.Bb = a; this.ca = []; this.P = new Q(g); this.sb = new A(2) }, t: function() { this.ub--; for (var a = 0; a < this.Aa; ++a) this.ca[a].t(); switch (this.h) { case 1: if (!this.aa.l()) break; this.j.ua || (this.j.o(), this.j.J(3)); this.j.$a(); if (0 == this.j.w) this.j.Ea(), this.h = 2, this.Fa(this.G); break; case 2: this.wc(); break; case 3: this.P.t() && this.qc(); break; case 4: if (this.qa.l()) this.h = 5; break; case 5: this.j.g(), this.h = 0 } }, N: function() { return 2 == this.h }, Ya: function() { return 0 == this.h }, Yb: function(a) { return this.j.Zb(a) }, dc: function(a) { a = this.sc(a); if (1 == a) this.P.Ha(this.e - 16, this.f - 16), this.h = 3; return a }, Fa: function(a) { this.G = a; 2 == this.h && (this.vc(a), this.Ja()) }, kc: function(a, b) { this.j.b(34 + a, 18 + b); this.e = a; this.f = b }, ga: function(a) { if (this.q != a) { var b; switch (this.q) { case 0: case 2: if (this.f % 16) this.f = 16 * Math.round(this.f / 16), b = g; break; case 1: case 3: if (this.e % 16) this.e = 16 * Math.round(this.e / 16), b = g } this.q = a; b && (this.j.b(34 + this.e, 18 + this.f), this.Ja()) } }, bc: function() { if (! (0 < this.ub)) { var a, b; for (a = 0; a < this.Aa; ++a) if (b = this.ca[a], b.Ya()) { b.pd(this.e, this.f, this.q); this.ub = this.La; break } } }, H: function() { if (!this.sb.l()) return g; this.sb.i(3 - this.ha); var a = G.d.v, b = this.e, c = this.f, d, e = b >> 4, f = c >> 4; this.Ub = +!this.Ub; this.Ja(); switch (this.q) { case 0: if (0 == c || 0 == c % 16 && !this.lb(e, f - 1, e + 1, f - 1)) return k; for (f = 0; 5 > f; ++f) if (d = a[f], d != this && d.N() && (e = d.f + 32 - c, d = d.e, 0 <= e && 6 >= e && d - 32 < b && b < d + 32)) return k; c -= 2; break; case 1: if (384 == b || 0 == b % 16 && !this.lb(e + 2, f, e + 2, f + 1)) return k; for (f = 0; 5 > f; ++f) if (d = a[f], d != this && d.N() && (e = b + 32 - d.e, y1 = d.f, 0 <= e && 6 >= e && y1 - 32 < c && c < y1 + 32)) return k; b += 2; break; case 2: if (384 == c || 0 == c % 16 && !this.lb(e, f + 2, e + 1, f + 2)) return k; for (f = 0; 5 > f; ++f) if (d = a[f], d != this && d.N() && (e = c + 32 - d.f, x1 = d.e, 0 <= e && 6 >= e && x1 - 32 < b && b < x1 + 32)) return k; c += 2; break; case 3: if (0 == b || 0 == b % 16 && !this.lb(e - 1, f, e - 1, f + 1)) return k; for (f = 0; 5 > f; ++f) if (d = a[f], d != this && d.N() && (e = d.e + 32 - b, y1 = d.f, 0 <= e && 6 >= e && y1 - 32 < c && c < y1 + 32)) return k; b -= 2 } this.e = b; this.f = c; this.j.b(34 + b, 18 + c); return g }, Xb: function() { this.h = 1; this.j.Ea(T.Nc) }, i: function() { this.tc(); for (var a = 0; a < this.Aa; ++a) this.ca[a].i(); this.P.i(); this.sb.i(2); this.ub = 0; this.j.g(); this.h = 0 }, Ja: function() { this.j.B(28 * this.q + 14 * this.Ub + this.D) }, U: function(a, b, c) { var d, e; for (d = 0; d < a; ++d)(e = this.ca[d]) || (e = this.ca[d] = new S(this.Bb)), e.ha = b, e.fb = c; this.Aa = a }, lb: function(a, b, c, d) { var e = G.d.S, c = e[d][c]; return 16 == (e[b][a] | 16) && 16 == (c | 16) } }); var N = m(T, { Z: h, ra: 0, Hd: function() { this.pc(0); this.Z = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Misc.png", 32, 32); this.Z.g(); this.Z.Ea(T.Oc); this.j.c(this.Z); this.aa = new A(2) }, wc: function() {--this.ra; 0 < this.ra ? (this.Z.o(), this.Z.$a()) : 0 == this.ra && this.Z.g() }, vc: function(a) { this.ha = 2; switch (a) { case 0: this.La = 13; this.U(1, 2, k); break; case 1: this.La = 11; this.U(1, 3, k); break; case 2: this.La = 7; this.U(2, 3, k); break; case 3: this.La = 7, this.U(2, 3, g) } this.D = a }, sc: function() { if (0 < this.ra) return 2; this.j.g(); return 1 }, qc: function() { this.Fa(0); G.a.bd(); this.h = 5 }, tc: function() { if (0 < this.ra) this.ra = 0, this.Z.g() }, mc: function(a) { this.ra = a }, qd: function() { 3 > this.G && this.Fa(this.G + 1) }, hc: function() { return 16 == G.d.cc(this.e >> 4, this.f >> 4) } }); var O = m(T, { xa: k, T: 0, Sb: h, Ob: h, pa: h, qa: h, Id: function() { this.pc(1); this.Sb = new A(10); this.Ob = new A(2); this.qa = new A(10); this.pa = new A(2); this.aa = new A(5) }, wc: function() { if (this.xa) this.Sb.l() && (this.Ob.l() ? --this.D: ++this.D, this.Ja()); else { if (3 == this.G) switch (this.T) { case 1: this.D = 10; break; case 2: this.D = this.pa.l() ? 13 : 12; break; case 3: this.D = this.pa.l() ? 13 : 10; break; case 4: this.D = this.pa.l() ? 12 : 10 } this.Ja() } }, vc: function(a) { this.ha = 1; switch (a) { case 0: this.D = 4; this.T = 1; this.U(1, 2, k); break; case 1: this.D = 6; this.ha = 2; this.T = 1; this.U(1, 2, k); break; case 2: this.D = 8; this.T = 1; this.U(1, 3, k); break; case 3: this.D = 10, this.T = 4, this.U(1, 2, k) } }, sc: function(a) { if (a) return this.T = -1, this.xa = k, this.j.g(), 1; if (this.xa) this.xa = k, G.d.ba.o(); return 0 == --this.T ? (G.a.lc(100 * (this.G + 1)), this.j.B(116 + this.G), this.j.J(5), 1) : 0 }, qc: function() { - 1 == this.T ? (this.h = 5, G.a.ec( - 1)) : (this.h = 4, G.a.ec(this.G)) }, tc: function() { this.xa = k; this.Sb.i(); this.qa.i() }, Yc: function() { this.xa = g; this.Ob.i() } }); var I = m(o, { Qa: h, $: h, Fc: h, Qd: function() { this.ea(); this.Fc = new A(5); var a; this.Qa = new r; this.Qa.b(36, 48); this.Qa.u("#FFF"); this.c(this.Qa); this.ac(); a = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/UI.png", 376, 160); a.b(56, 96); this.c(a); a = new r; a.b(178, 272); a.n("1 PLAYER\n2 PLAYERS\nCONSTRUCTION"); a.u("#FFF"); this.c(a); this.$ = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Tank.png", 32, 32); this.$.b(130, 272); this.$.Ea([28, 42]); this.c(this.$) }, ab: function() { this.o(); this.Ga(448); this.$.g() }, bb: function() { this.g(); this.$.g() }, cb: function(a) { 224 >= a ? (t.s(13) && (a = 224), this.Ga(448 - 2 * a)) : 225 == a ? this.$.o() : this.Fc.l() && this.$.$a(); return t.s(13) ? G.fa.H(G.r) : a }, ac: function() { this.Qa.n("I-" + (" " + (G.a.O ? G.a.O: "00")).slice( - 11) + " HI- " + G.a.hb) } }); var J = m(o, { Wa: h, Ca: h, sa: h, p: h, W: h, z: h, R: h, Ta: 0, Pd: function() { this.ea(); this.Tb = new A(60); this.Qb = new A(2); this.tb = new A(200); var a, b; this.z = new o; this.z.b(452, 0); this.z.m(64, 448); this.c(this.z); this.Wa = []; for (b = 0; 20 > b; ++b) a = this.Wa[b] = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Misc.png", 16, 16), a.B(10), a.b(18 + 16 * (b % 2), 34 + 16 * (b >> 1)), this.z.c(a); b = new r; b.n("I P"); b.b(14, 252); this.z.c(b); a = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Misc.png", 16, 16); a.B(11); a.b(14, 280); this.z.c(a); this.Ca = new r; this.Ca.n("2"); this.Ca.b(32, 272); this.z.c(this.Ca); a = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Misc.png", 32, 32); a.B(4); a.b(14, 352); this.z.c(a); this.sa = new r; this.sa.I("right"); this.sa.m(48, 30); this.sa.b(0, 380); this.z.c(this.sa); this.W = []; for (b = 0; 2 > b; ++b) a = this.W[b] = new o, a.m(512, 224), a.Da("#666"), a.J(8), this.c(a); this.p = new r; this.p.m(512, 25); this.p.Ga(210); this.p.J(8); this.p.I("center"); this.c(this.p); this.R = new r("GAME\nOVER"); this.R.b(212, 448); this.R.u("#B53120"); this.R.J(8); this.p.I("center"); this.R.g(); this.c(this.R) }, ab: function() { this.o(); this.W[0].b(0, -240); this.W[1].b(0, 464); G.a.Xa && this.z.g() }, bb: function() { this.g(); this.Ta = 0; G.d.Tc() }, cb: function(a) { if (101 < a) { if (G.a.t()) return G.fa.H(G.zb); if (!G.a.Ba) return G.a.$b(), a; if (30 >= ++this.Ta) G.a.$b(); else if (156 >= this.Ta) G.a.kb || (this.R.o(), this.R.Ga(508 - 2 * this.Ta)); else if (! (300 >= this.Ta)) return this.R.g(), G.fa.H(G.zb); return a } if (20 > a) this.W[0].Za(0, 12), this.W[1].Za(0, -12); else if (20 == a) this.Da("#666"), this.p.o(); else if (21 == a) { this.p.n("STAGE" + (" " + G.a.C).slice( - 5)); if (!G.a.Xa) return a; --a; switch (g) { case t.s(73): case t.s(75): 35 > G.a.C && G.a.C++; break; case t.s(79): case t.s(76): 1 < G.a.C && --G.a.C; break; case t.s(13): ++a } } else if (22 == a) { for (var b = 0; 20 > b; ++b) this.Wa[b].o(); G.a.Xa = k; G.a.cd() } else 80 > a || (80 == a ? (this.p.g(), this.z.g()) : 100 >= a ? (this.W[0].Za(0, -12), this.W[1].Za(0, 12)) : 101 == a && this.z.o()); return a } }); var K = m(o, { Vd: h, p: h, na: h, Ud: h, Wd: h, Sa: h, ya: 0, Jb: 0, Sd: function() { this.ea(); this.Sa = new A(30); var a, b; a = new r("HI-SCORE"); a.b(130, 32); a.m(170, 30); a.u("#B53120"); this.c(a); this.Pa = new r; this.Pa.b(305, 32); this.Pa.m(200, 30); this.Pa.u("#EA9E22"); this.c(this.Pa); this.p = new r; this.p.b(0, 64); this.p.m(512, 30); this.p.u("#FFF"); this.p.I("center"); this.c(this.p); a = new r("I-PLAYER"); a.b(0, 96); a.m(185, 30); a.u("#B53120"); a.I("right"); this.c(a); this.na = new r; this.na.b(0, 128); this.na.m(185, 30); this.na.I("right"); this.na.u("#EA9E22"); this.c(this.na); var c, d, e; this.Fb = []; for (b = 0; 4 > b; ++b) c = 176 + 48 * b, a = new r, a.b(130, c), a.m(55, 30), a.u("#FFF"), a.I("right"), a.n("PTS"), d = new r, d.b(0, c), d.m(112, 30), d.u("#FFF"), d.I("right"), e = new r, e.b(183, c), e.m(45, 30), e.u("#FFF"), e.I("right"), this.c(a), this.c(d), this.c(e), this.Fb[b] = { fc: d, jc: e }; a = new r; a.b(0, 368); a.m(185, 30); a.u("#FFF"); a.I("right"); a.n("TOTAL"); this.c(a); this.oa = new r; this.oa.b(183, 368); this.oa.m(45, 30); this.oa.u("#FFF"); this.oa.I("right"); this.c(this.oa); for (b = 0; 4 > b; b++) a = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Misc.png", 32, 32), a.b(232, 186 + 48 * b), a.B(3), this.c(a), a = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/Tank.png", 32, 32), a.b(250, 176 + 48 * b), a.B(4 + 2 * b), this.c(a); b = new o; b.Da("#FFF"); b.m(128, 3); b.b(192, 360); this.c(b) }, ab: function() { this.o(); this.Pa.n(G.a.hb + ""); var a, b; for (b = 0; 4 > b; ++b) a = this.Fb[b], a.fc.n(""), a.jc.n(""); this.oa.n(""); this.na.n(G.a.O + ""); this.p.n("STAGE " + G.a.C); this.Sa.i(30); this.Jb = this.ya = 0 }, bb: function() { this.g() }, cb: function(a) { if (4 > a) { if (!this.Sa.l()) return--a; this.Sa.i(10); var b = this.Fb[a]; b.fc.n(100 * this.ya * (a + 1) + ""); b.jc.n(this.ya + ""); if (this.ya < G.a.yb[a]) return this.ya++, this.Jb++, --a; this.Sa.i(30); this.ya = 0 } else if (50 == a) this.oa.n(this.Jb + ""); else if (! (180 > a) && 180 == a) { if (G.a.Ba) return G.fa.H(G.ic); if (35 < ++G.a.C) G.a.C = 1; return G.fa.H(G.r) } return a } }); var L = m(o, { Rd: function() { this.ea(); var a = new p("http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/45/9lasddjb/UI.png", 376, 160); a.B(1); a.b(132, 144); this.c(a) }, ab: function() { this.o() }, bb: function() { this.g() }, cb: function(a) { if (100 > a) t.s(13) && (a = 99); else if (100 == a) { if (G.a.hb < G.a.O) G.a.hb = G.a.O; G.eb.ac(); G.d.Sc(); G.a.i(); G.d.v[0].Fa(0); G.r.Da("#000"); return G.fa.H(G.eb) } return a } }); var R = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAeAeAeAeAeAAeAeAeAeAeAeAAeAeAeVeAeAeAAeAeAYAYAeAeAAYAYAbAbAYAYAbAbbAYAYAbbAbJAYYAbAbAYYAJAbAbAeeeAbAbAAeAeAeAeAeAeAAeAeAYAYAeAeAAeAeA^bZAeAeAAAAAA`C[AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBAAAVAAAVAAAAAAeAVAAAeAeAeAAeAAAAeeAeVeAAAAeAAAAAVAAABAAeAAVAAeBeVBBAAAeAAVABAAAeeeBBBVAABeAAAAVBeAeAeAeAVeAVAeAeAeVeAAeAeAeeeAeVeAAeAeAeeeAAAAAAeAAA^bZAeAeAAeAeA`C[AeeeADDBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAAAeAAAAABBBeAAAAASSSeBBBAAAAAAAAABBBBAAAeAeee[BBBBeeeYAeA`ABBBBAAeAAAA`AABAAAAVVVAABAAbAbAAAAABBBBe[`e[`YYYBBBBAAAAAeAbbBBBBeAALAAAYYBBBAeeALA^bZABBBAVeeAA`C[AeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBDDABBAAAAAAAABABBAAbeebbAAABBAA`eeeeeebAJJAAeeeeeeee[AAA`YAAAYeeA[AEA`ALALAe[AAAAAeAbbAAe[AEEAAeeeeeeeeAAAA`eeeeeeee[AAAYYeeeeeeYYAAAeebYeeYbeeABBAYYA^bZYYABBVBAAA`C[AABBVCCCCCCCCCCBBBBBAADDDAAAAeeAAAAAAASAbAeAAAJJVAAVAeAAAeAAAAAAeAeeeAeeAEEAEYAAAYAAAAEAAAAAbAEEAEEEAeeeeAAEeAe[AAAAAAAAEAAAAAQLAEEEAEAVAeAQAAAAAbbAAAAAQeeAAAAeYYYebAAAeeYAA^bZAYeAAYAAAA`C[AAAAACCCCCDDAAAAAAAABBBBBAAAAA`A[BBAAAA[QA[AAA`B[`BA[QA[AeA`B[`BAeAAeAVAeBAeBAAA`JAeAYLABBee[AABeBAA`eeAAAA`BBB[AAAAVeeAYBBBY`eeVJJJAbABAbAJJJAeAAeAAAeAAAAAe[AAYAYAA`eBAAYAA^bZAABBBAAbAA`C[AAbBBCCCCCCCBBAAAAAAAAADDAAAAAAAJJAAAAAAVJJJAAAAVAAAAVAAABAJVVAAAVAAABVAAAVAAAAAABVVAAAJVAAVABVVVAVAAAAAQAVVAAAVVAAALAAAVAVVVAAQAAQVAAAVVBAAVAAVAAAAVBAAVVAAJJVAABAAVAAAAAAAA^bZAJASVSSAAA`C[AAAAAAAABBBBCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAeAAeAbAeAAABeeeAeASAe[AABBBAAYAeAYA`[BEEEEEEEEEEAEAeAAAAbbAAAAAAAeAA`eeYeYJJeeAeA`eeBeSSeAAAVASABBBBAAEEAEEEEEAEEEEBBA`AAbbAAAAABBeA[AA`ASbeABSeA[^bZAYAeAAAAAA`C[AbAYACCCCCCCDDBBBBAAAAAAAAAAeAAAAASBAAeAAAAASBQVLAeAAASBQVLAJBAAAAQVLAJBAAAAAAAAJBAAAAAAAAAAABSBABSBAAAVeAQVLAQVLAeVAAABJBABJBAAAAAAASAAASAAAAeAAQVLAQVLAAeeAABJBABJBAAeAAbAA^bZAAbAAAAeeA`C[AeeAAAAAAAABBBBCCCCCCCDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAA`YeAAAAAAeY[`YAAeABBAeAA`eAAAeBBBBeAA`eAA`eBVVBe[Ae`bbeEEEEEEeeeAeeeVVeVVeee[AAeeVAeAVee[AAAeeeeeeeee[AeBYYYVVYYYYBeeBBBBBBBBBBBeAABBB^bZBBBBAAAA[A`C[AA[AAAAAAAAAAAAAABBCCCCDDAAAAAVAeAeeAAA`eeeeAeAAAAAAAA[AeAeeABBBA`AAAAAVABBBBA`AeeeVeeBBYVAYYYVAAeABBA``eeeAVBBBBBAAAAAVAABBBBBeAVeABBBBVBBBeA`eBBBBBAAAAe[AeBBAAAAJeeeAAABBA^bZAeA`AAbBBA`C[AAAAABBBBBDDDDDDCCCCBBBBBAAAAAAAeeeAAAAeeebAbAAeAAAAAAAeAYAAAAeeAEEEEEAe[AAeJAASSSEAeAVLeAeAeeeEEEAEeeAAAAAVEAAAEJAAEEEAEEeeAEAAAAAAAAeJJAEEEAeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAeAJJAAAeeA`eAAAA^bZAeAAeAAAAA`C[AAAAACCCCCCCCBBBBBBDDDDDDAAAAbAAAbAAAAAeeeeAAAeeeeAAeAAAAeAAAAVAAVAeYAAAYeAeeAeA[BSVSB`AVeAYAABBBBBAAJeeSAABBBBBAAbeeVA[BJVJB`AeAeeAebAAAbeAVAeVAAAAeAAAAeAeeeeeAAAeeeVVeeAAY^bZYAAeAeeAAA`C[AAAAACCCCCCCCBBBBBBBBDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAABBAAbeeebAABBBAA`eeeee[AABAAAeeBeBeeAAAAAAeBBeBBeAAABAAeeeeeeeAABBBAAeBeBeAABBEEEAeeeeeAEEEAAAA`````AAAAAAAA[[[[[AAAAQQQAAAAAAALLL[[[AA^bZAA```LLLQA`C[ALQQQCCCCCCCCCCBBBBDDDDDDAAAAeeAAeAAAAABBeeAAAeAAAABBBBBBBBeeAAABJeBeeeBBBBeVBBeBBBJBBeLeAABBeSBBBBeAeAAeeeeeBBee[BBQJeeAAAeYAAABAeAeASbYBBe[BAeAA`eYBBeAABAee[`YBBbBeBBAAeAB^bZeBYBAAAYAA`C[ABBBAAABBBBBBBBBBDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVBVAAAAAAAAAAABABSAAAAAAABAAAABbAAAAAABBAABABSAAAAABABABAABbAAAABAABAAABBSAAAABAAAABBBBbAAAABAABABBBBAeAAAAABAABBBVeeAAAAABABBBBVeeAA^bZBABBBVVeeA`C[BAABBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBDDAAAAbAAAAAbAAAeAeeAAGGGeeAAeAAeAVGGGGGAGGGLeAAeGGGGAGGGGGGee`[AAAAAQGGGGe`[AJJeeeeGGGGGGGeeAAAeeGGGGLAAAAeeeAGGGeeAeAGGGeGAAAAeAeAGGGGGJAJAAbeAeGGGG^bZAeAAAeeLAA`C[AeAeADDBBCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVVVBAAeAAAAAAVAAVAeBeAAAeeeeAVAAeBeAAeABeVVAAAeABVeBAeAAAAAAAVAeVeeAAAAAeeVeAVAAAAAAAeABeVBAAAAAVVVBAeAAeeAAAVAeeeeAAeVVAAVAAVAAAAAVeeABVVVA^bZAAeVVAAAAA`C[AAAVVDDDDAACCCCCCBBBBBBBBAeAeAeAeAeAeAAeAeAeAeAeAeAAJAJAJAJAJAJAbAbAeAAAeAbAbeAeYeAeAeYeAeJAJAVAJAVAJAJBBAAeABAeAABBBBBBeYBYeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbAbAeBBBeAbAbAeAeAABAAeAeAAeAeA^bZAeAeAAYAYA`C[AYAYABBBDDDDDDDDAAAACCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAASAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAA\\YZAAAAAA[AAA[AA\\Z\\Z\\Z[A\\_[X[[[[[[[[Z]YXYAXAXA_WXAXWAAAAAAA^_AAAAAAAAAAA_\\AAAABAAAAAAAAAAABBBAAAAAAAAABBVBBAA^bZAABBVVVBBA`C[ABBVVBBBBBBBBAACCDDDDDDDDAAAbbbAAbAAAAAbeeeeeeeeAAAABBBBBBBBeeAABBAAAAAABBeeABAVAAVAAABBBABAVAAVAAABBBABAABAAAABBee[BBBBBBBBBeee[eBBeeBBBeeeeAAeeeeeeeeeeAVVAeVeeeeee[AVAVeYV^bZeeVVVAAAAA`C[AAAAACCCCCCCCBBAAAAAADDDDAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAABVBAAAAAAAABAABAABBAAAABeBAAABeeBAAAABeBAAABBAABBAABAABAAAABVeBAAABVBAABABVeBAAABAABVBAeBAABAAABABAABAABeBABeBAAAAAABeBAABAABAABAAB^bZAABVBBVBAA`C[ABeBABBBBBBBBAAAAAACCDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVVAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAVVBBeVeBBVVAAAAVBBVBBVAAABAAAVBBBVAAABVBAAABBBAAABVBAAASJBJSAAABAAAAVASAVAAAAAAAVAAVAAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^bZAAAAAAAVAA`C[AAVAADDDDDDCCCCBBBBBBBBBBAAVAeJAAAA`AAAAeAeBAYeeeAAABBAeB`[AAAVVBBBBBBeeeA`eAAABBbbJeA`eY`eJAbYYAAAeYA``AbeGGGGGGGGG`AYAGGGGGGGGGAAVAGGGGGGGGGeAeAGGGGGGGGG`AeAGGGGGGGGG`AeAA^bZGGGGGAAYAA`C[AGGGGCCCCDDBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAeAeAeAVAAeAeAAAAAVAAAAeAeAAVAAVAVVAeAAAeAVeAAAVAAAAeeAeeAVAAAAVAeAAeeAeeAVAVAAeAVAAVeAAAeeAeAAAeVAAAVeeAeeAeeAAeAeAAAeVAAAAeeAAAeAeeVAVAAeeAeeA^bZAeVAAeAeAA`C[AeeeACCBBBBBBBBDDDDDDDDDDAAEEAAAAAAAAASAAEBA[AAAAAABSAAAALA[AEEABBAJb`AALBEAABBBAAVb`AAAASBBJSA`AVbAASBBJAAYVA`AJABBAAAAA[YVAABBBAAEBQAA[YSJBBAEEA`AQAAAAABAAAAAA`ABEAAJVAAAA^bZAEEAAVVAAA`C[AAAAVBBBBBBDDDDDDAAAACCCCAAAAVAAAAAAAAVVAAVAAVVAAAAAVAAVAAAVAVVBAVAAVVVABAVAAAeAAAAVAVVVAABVVAVeVeeAAAAA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new App(); [/code] 转载自RunJS



js网页特效:星星闪动的标题栏特效实现此功能其实很简单的。 要完成此效果加入如下代码 title_tmp1 = document.title if (title_tmp1.indexOf("&g 阅读更多…


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